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“Why Financial Empowerment is Important”
by Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® I came across some recent research and thought you would find it valuable. I therefore share it with you and would love to hear your thoughts.
“Cryptoassets, here to stay or just a fad? – Part III”
by Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® Please note that anyone can invest in cryptocurrencies, but it is unregulated and as such nothing written here should be construed as advice. It is merely
“Cryptoassets, here to stay or just a fad – Part II”
by Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® Please note that anyone can invest in cryptocurrencies, but it is unregulated and as such nothing written here should be construed as advice. It is merely
“Cryptoassets, here to stay or just a fad? – Part I”
by Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® Please note that anyone can invest in cryptocurrencies, but it is unregulated and as such nothing written here should be construed as advice. It is merely
Is a tax-free savings account worth the paperwork?
By Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® The answer is yes, so if you don’t have time, you can trust me and stop reading. 😊 I recently read a personal finance article in
What a year!
By Martin de Bruyn, CFA, CFP® 2020 was probably the most extraordinary year for most investors. Despite the experiences of 1987, 2000 and 2008 few, if any, were prepared for 2020. The